Very Awesome Man
This song sounds very great man, if just snippets are this awesome I can't imagine how awesome the full song is. The riffs are great as is your tone, a good bit of them remind me of Dream Theater(I think that's been mentioned by someone before) which is definitely good since Dream Theater is my all time favorite band. It's really amazing that you can play this good at the age your at too, I'm the same age as you, yet I don't think I'm up to par with how great your playing is, but it's awesome to see someone who is the same age as me and listens to Dream Theater, and Megadeth at that, all the people who are the same age as me seem to listen to pretty stupid shit, glad to know all young guitar players don't have shitty music tastes and actually have a lot of talent. Sorry about the rant, when it comes to people listening to crappy music, I tend to go off and it's hard for me to stop haha, I think you get the idea though...well anyways, awesome song man, I'm not one to buy other's albums online and such, but I think I'm gonna try and buy this album, it sounds great dude, keep up the awesome work man.
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